At first this project seemed like a massive undertaking. After gathering research and outlining my ideas I was ready to set up a blog, and all I could think was, “what have I gotten myself into?” I know nothing about technology, or so I thought. All of the articles said blogging was free and easy, but then again there are plenty of commercials on TV, for perfectly ridiculous items, that say that very same thing. Although my articles were written by scholars, and that endows them with some degree of credibility, I was not sure I entirely believed them, but I figured I would give it “the old college try,” seeing as I am in college. As it turns out they were right, and I don’t know everything, but then again I know a little more then I realize. So I set out to blog.
Sites like this one make it possible for even the most techno-illiterate people, such as me, to successfully post a blog. All you really need to do is sign up, choose a template, and get writing. At first I had a little trouble, because I felt like my blog was really boring and I did not know how to add links or pictures. Slowly but surely I figured out how to change the font and color, add links and edit posts. It was really exciting to see the page come together step by step. The more I added to my blog, the more I wanted to work on it.